Spring Open House, An Afternoon of Beautiful Music and Culinary Delights on
Thursday, March 20th 1:00pm-3:00pm PST. Click HERE to RSVP!

Prevention & Early Detection of Dementia: Building Your Cognitive Reserve

As we welcome in the New Year, let’s embrace a new conversation about brain health, prevention and the value of early detection. Tune into this complimentary webinar Prevention & Early Detection of Dementia: Building Your Cognitive Reserve with Brooks Kenny, Brain Health Advocate & Sherri Snelling, Gerontologist.

Learn how early detection and diagnosis can make all the difference, and the importance of building your cognitive reserve now. Discover the essential information you need for your loved ones, and yourself, in the fight against Alzheimer’s and dementia.

We will explore today’s top questions:

  • Who is most impacted by Alzheimer’s & dementia – and why?
  • Is prevention of Alzheimer’s and dementia possible?
  • What are the latest innovations around early detection, testing and diagnosis?

Brooks Kenny, Brain Health Advocate and Vice President at Altoida, is a nationally recognized subject matter expert in caregiving and women’s brain health with over two decades of experience in the field. Additionally, she directed the Women’s Leadership Council – a group of executive women that are spotlighting the disproportionate impact of Alzheimer’s disease on women.

Sherri Snelling, Gerontologist, Author and Founder/CEO of Caregiving Club, has been a long-time advocate for Alzheimer’s caregivers and the growing movement around brain health. Caregiving Club is a strategic consulting and content creation firm. Her work focuses on helping employers and other organizations educate and support the 5 generations and millions of family caregivers.