New Year, New You: Health and Wellness Rituals to Help Us Live Long & Strong
Wednesday, January 8th 3pm-4pm via Zoom. Register HERE! 

Kensington Presents CARE. CURE. PREVENT. with Stanford Neurology

Kensington Senior Living was proud to partner with Stanford Neurology as they shared their knowledge on brain health, new approaches to treating Alzheimer’s disease and messages of hope. Our team has built strong relationships with these progressive industry leaders who are making a difference in the lives of people living with dementia and who are searching for a cure.

During this Brain Health Speaker Series, Dr. Frank Longo, Dr. Sharon Sha and Dr. Mike Greicius discussed the latest approaches on CARE for persons living with dementia, updates on research towards a CURE for Alzheimer’s and their insights into ways to PREVENT dementia. We hope you find this insightful presentation as informative as we did.